So I am back working on night shift. I'll work on tis post as time permits; it'll be more like a notebook. I was very awake at 1330 but had bad cramps so I took something for it, used a heat pad, laid down and watched a little of a tv show on my laptop and all that together made me sleepy and groggy by the time my alarm went off at 1540. So that means I am cloudy minded now.
I'm working at Dresden. Boy this plant has some real issues and yet it is one of my favorites to work at. Ashlee, the other diver, was here earlier in the year and all she could say about Dresden was how dirty it is. I don't remember if she was in the CA, I think she may just have been working in the screen house and walking through the plant, but either way I guess she's right. And still this is one of my favorite plants to work in. Watch me jinx myself for this job by saying that.
Why I mention Dresden and its issues though, is because every outage I've been at in the last two years (that makes four here) there have been the craziest memos going out.
Like the one about how deer hunting (with bow and arrow) should be allowed in the grounds. This was because the person who wrote it had hit a deer on the way in. Now, let's look at this a little better: if he was past the entry gate and around the parking lots (where the deer usually hang out and eat) he should not drive faster than 15 miles per hour! How do you hit a deer at that speed unless you really want to? If he is coming to the plant but before the guard house, then the speed is about 35-45 miles per hour, about the speeds you'll find in your own town's streets, where a child could run out in front of your car and, knowing this you drive carefully (I hope). Knowing there are deer in the area at given times, I try to drive carefully too. I don't know about you, but having to dodge arrows in the parking lot on my way to work seems a little worse than having to drive slowly to avoid hitting a deer!!
There's the memo last year, about people smearing shit on the walls of the temporary bathroom trailers set up for the contractors. Wow...... this in a power plant. I don't need to say more. It speaks for itself.
This year there were two memos a few days apart: memo 1) a fridge was stolen from a lunch area!!! How does a FRIDGE get stolen INSIDE a power plant that has the highest security possible going in and out, especially when your vehicle gets searched on the way out of the Controlled area. This area has people hanging around practically 24 hours a day! A few days later a memo was posted about the bad attitude and rudeness of certain people.
All in a day's work in the nuclear field.... makes you think doesn't it?
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